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From ancient time making a record has been important to freedom of the individual and to bondage by tyrants. While all registration is a matter of record not all records are registrations.

Registration vs recording

Depending on the context the difference between register and record is that registration is the act of signing up or registering something or someone with an additional party for the purpose of permission, access, or protection. While it usually includes a benefit or advantage it also may include an obligation and duty.

While recording icience.jpgs a reproduction by record of an event, or notice or an agreement or relationship stored in a permanent medium or fixed medium by a third party who may be a party to that record but not to that which is recorded.

While a marriage as a two party agreement may be recorder the recording of a marriage license could be considered a registration due to the third party having an authority within what would have only been a two party agreement.

See Marriage.

Their are ancient registrations to being types of Citizens such as that required to obtain welfare benefits of Corban from the Temples of Herod and the Pharisees in the days of Christ, the Kingdom of God. That registration allowed you to partake of the tables of public religion. Those tables were called a snare and a trap. The Apostles were unregistered.

Other registrations may be evidence of a mere legal title to property which would not include the beneficial interest of a thing, or land.

"Birth registration, which many of our own states have been slow to enforce, was first required under Marcus Aurelius, when it was ordained that the father must register the date of birth and the name of his child within thirty days, at Rome before the praefectus aerāriī, in the provinces before the tabulāriī pūblicī. In the case of the boy the registering of the name on the list of citizens may have occurred at the time he put on the toga virīlis." [1]
They did this to obtain benefits from the government and the men who call themselves benefactors. But Plutarch said, “The real destroyers of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations, and benefits.”
"The last person to trust with power is someone who is dying to have it. The best person to wield power is someone who is reluctant to do so, but who will do it for a while as a civic duty. That is why term limits should make it impossible to have a whole career in politics." -Thomas Sowell.
Jesus preached a kingdom that sets men free. It had no offices of power, only of service. To be fruitful it is required that the people exercise the responsibility imposed by God to love their neighbors as themselves.

Roman Birth Registration

Rome had a vast system of welfare. Those who registered with Rome and its increasing socialist state were eligible for free bread. Rome imported 500,000,000 bushels of this grain each year from Egypt alone. There was a great deal of free entertainment provided and a general promise of social security to those who chose to be a part of the offered system of Corban. The United States government is simply carrying on the Roman tradition and custom when it began birth registration to provide care for its children.

"Although birth certificates have survived only in Egypt, literary references to such registrations prove the system operated throughout the empire." [2]

A Roman boy was not a citizen until he was old enough to put on a man's toga and pay into the patrimonial offerings of its Qurban, but his father needed to register the child's name and the date of its birth to be eligible for those privileges which came from the Parens Patriae, The Father of the Country. Rome had birth registration for centuries to determine the eligibility of a subject citizen for property, inheritance, and benefits of the temples along with corresponding obligations of taxation and service.

  • "Birth registration... was first required under Marcus Aurelius, when it was ordained that the father must register the date of birth and the name of his child within thirty days, at Rome before the praefectus aerāriī[3], in the provinces before the tabulāriī pūblicī. In the case of the boy the registering of the name on the list of citizens may have occurred at the time he put on the toga virīlis." [4]

Marcus Aurelius as the first Emperor to make that birth registration with the Treasury Department mandatory within thirty days of the birth was imposing an obligation to submit your children to the Patrimonial jurisdiction of the state.

Marcus Aurelius believed in the Patrimonial right of the State as the "Father" of the people which brought his political position in conflict with early Christians. This was inevitable because of the Public religion of Rome which became more and more supported through taxation since the days of Polybius who warned that such practices would alter the character of the Roman citizen. Marcus though benevolent in all other respects had the worst record of official persecution of Christians under his reign than any other Emperor and President of Rome.

It had always been an option for the people to apply to the State for an enfranchised citizenship. Marcus Aurelius wanted no child to be left behind. He required by law that everyone must register the birth of their children with the Secretary of Treasury or Provincial Registrars within 30 days.

The Christians could not do this in good conscience and were persecuted. Such registration would be an application to the Father of the Roman State and would be turning from Christ’s command. The State became the “In Loco Parentis” which in the Latin, means “in the place of a parent” which is a turning away from the Natural Family instituted by God.

Christians could not assent to the registering of their children under the authority of another person acting as the father of the people. Such registration would not only be disobedient to Christ's solemn command of call no man on earth father but it would also be an application or prayer to that earthly Father, or benefactor, to obtain the gifts of his civil altars. Those altars compelled a contribution by its authority. That authority was established by the people who by application or prayer to the state under oath went under the authority of the state or increased that authority through participation. Such oaths were forbidden by the gospel of Christ but often ignored by modern Christians and their teachers. The State would truly be "in the place of a parent", a father not in heaven but in the Capitol of Rome.

Eventually the Christian Religion would be outlawed as a private system of Welfare. This difference between welfare based on faith, hope and charity and the Perfect law of liberty and the one based on compelled offerings by the Roman state was the bases of the Christian conflict.

Call no man on earth Father

In the Law of Nature the Pater Familias had a superior jurisdiction over his natural child as head of the family. This was such a sacred right and responsibility the Roman state could not breach family without a three-part process of manumission.

This threefold process of abdication through Novation[5], Tutor[6] and Korban[7]. By the natural fathers and patriarchs of each household bound the sons and daughters into the power of the Patronus of the State.

Nothing will stir the angry ardor and abhorrence of those in the system more than the rejection of benefits and offers or noncompliance with the state of affairs or affairs of the State. To say in a pristine and orderly hospital, "I am the Father and I have taken responsibility for this Child" can stir a great wrath from many within those sacred chambers and send waves of stirring reality rippling through those hallowed halls.

The Latin word pater means father. As we have seen the word was used as a title of the Emperor and before him the pro council was referred to as the father of the senate and therefore the Empire. Pater or patri was also an address in reference to the Senators of Rome. The Roman's developed an elected congress to introduce the proposed bills for the enfranchised citizenry who were subject to the statutes of men. This congress was called patres consritpi, the conscripted fathers [see Citizen vs. Citizen].

We can assume that the people of the Roman Empire when they heard the word pater thought of one of several ideas. Either they were talking about their genetic father and their Creator Father in heaven, or their substitute fathers or Conscript Patri in Rome.

  • Jesus said, “And call no [man] your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” (Matthew 23:9)

To make such a statement was a shock to those who thought man's governments and the Roman political and judicial system, with its peace and commerce, was good for society and the business of men. This would be like saying call no man on earth president or senator or congressman.

In that Greek text of Matthew we find the word Pater[8] meaning father in the Latin. When Jesus said his kingdom was not of this world he did not use the Greek word for earth or planet or inhabited places or age that are also translated into world. The word world there is kosmos[9] “meaning a harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government”.[10]

This was a jurisdictional statement. To call no man father was a jurisdictional statement. To be baptized was a jurisdictional event of allegiance. To worship is an act of homage to a lord or King. Jesus did not preach the religion of heaven but the kingdom.

American Birth Registration

"Are men property of the state or are they free souls under God? This battle continues throughout the world today." C.B. DeMille
The story of birth registration reach back into the history of man, at least to Nimrod and Pharaoh and into the time of Rome until this present day throughout the world. The reason for it is often to obtain benefits and assign obligations and duties.
"He who is in the womb is considered as born, whenever his benefit is concerned."[11]

The Sheppard-Towner Maternity Act was "for the promotion, the welfare and hygiene of maternity and infancy and for other purposes."

The Promotion of the Welfare and Hygiene of Maternity and Infancy Act, more commonly known as the Sheppard–Towner Act was an Act of Congress that provided federal funding for maternity and child care.

The Sheppard–Towner Act was the first venture of the federal government into social security legislation and the first major legislation that came to exist after the full enfranchisement[12] of women.

The Senate passed it with a vote of 63 to 7, and by the House with a vote of 279 to 39, and was finally signed by the president and became law on Nov. 23, 1921. The act provided for the current fiscal year (1922) $10,000 for each state accepting the provisions of the act, and the additional sum of $1,000,000.

The bill was a direct outgrowth of a nine-year study made by the "Federal Children's Bureau." Note the Bureau was not the federal bureau for children but the bureau of the federal children. This act and the acceptance of its benefits by the states created the "United States birth registration area."[13]

Why register

Why does the United States need to register your birth?

Because the United States acts as Rome. It sits in the usurped position of your Father and demands your faithful obedience.

Did the federal government have the right to impose such legislation on the States? In 1923, it was argued by Mr. Alexander Lincoln, Assistant Attorney General of Massachusetts, "The act is unconstitutional. It purports to vest in agencies of the Federal Government powers which are almost wholly undefined, in matters relating to maternity and infancy, and to authorize appropriations of federal funds for the purposes of the act." The complaint went on to state that, "The act is invalid because it assumes powers not granted to Congress and usurps the local police power." "The act is not made valid by the circumstance that federal powers are to be exercised only with respect to those States which accept the act, for Congress cannot assume, and state legislatures cannot yield, the powers reserved to the States by the Constitution. The act is invalid because it imposes on each State an illegal option either to yield a part of its powers reserved by the Tenth Amendment or to give up its share of appropriations under the act."[14]


Women Patriots was in opposition to the bill fundamentally. Mrs. Mae C. Mitchell opposing the Sheppard-Towner Maternity and Infancy Protection Bill, December 7, 1920, wrote in a letter, "The Public Health Service is a splendid institution, for health, but motherhood is a sacred institution, and not a public one…"

Those challenges and opposition dissuaded Congress from renewing the act in 1929.

In the final analysis, the Act was an offer from one corporate entity to others for the purpose of providing an avenue for the individual citizen of America to register as a subject of the State and therefore a citizen of the Federal corporate State, the superior sovereign agent, called the United States. The federal government would assume the position of Patron as the natural fathers emancipate their children from God’s institution, the family, into the hands of man-made institutions and the substitute father of the world.

The vicarious patri or substitute father becomes the patronus of the infant citizen according to the law of Parens Patriae, Obey the Father. With the support and advocacy of the Conscripti Patri the state became the Father of the people.

Even the United States Codes verify this parental relationship using the Latin in their own US codes.[15]

Once you are registered as a child of the State there are many benefits and paths open to you. The state stands in the position of patron and supplies both tutor and curator for the child. The patron never entirely releases the child to the status of sui juris as long as they depend upon the gracious benefits of the State.

Without the exercise of rugged individualism that comes from an independent self-reliant family the people are brought down to a weakened state of apathy and self-indulgence.

"Society in every state is a blessing, but a government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." Thomas Paine.

If we step back and examine our preconceived notions objectively in the light of history and the law we can see warnings and advice in the biblical text that may begin to make more sense as the dots and elements are connected. Children can become the property of the state through the Covetous Practices of the parents. The parents have likely already asked permission of the government to marry subjecting the products of the Marriage to the state. They have likely sold their labor to obtain a personal social security.

Parents enter the hospital signing and granting permission to that corporate entity and its licensed officers the right to determine the best interest of the child and to register the child with its public patron. They are under obligations of the state. A Birth Registration Document is not a contract but the beginning of a three-part process of manumission.

"(2) Birth Registration Document. The Social Security Administration (SSA) may enter into an agreement with officials of a State... to establish, as part of the official birth registration process, a procedure to assist SSA in assigning social security numbers to newborn children. Where an agreement is in effect, a parent, as part of the official birth registration process, need not complete a Form SS-5 and may request that SSA assign a social security number to the newborn child."[16]

While the Sheppard-Towner Maternity and Infancy Protection Bill was a clear record of granting of gifts, gratuities and benefits, by government, to a child while it was still in the womb of his natural mother. All the children who were certified by the signature and seal of a natural parent, or a professional doctor and the representing county and state became eligible for further federal and state benefits as a federal child of the state.

The important thing to consider in the growth of a truly Christian community is the spiritual coming of the Holy Spirit that is promised to those who are not hearers only but are doers of the word. The early Christian community, as a peculiar people, established a daily ministration and practiced Pure Religion through Faith, Hope and Charity which is Love, rather than force, fear, and fealty by their covetous practices and men who exercise authority of the world.

Like the early Church the only way to practically do that and remain true to the perfect law of liberty is to sit down in a voluntary network and start learning to care about others as much as you care about yourself setting the table of the LORD as Christ commanded.

It is not enough to simply not seek the wages of unrighteousness and forgo the benefits of those who call themselves benefactors but are the fathers of the earth but you must seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness with your whole heart, mind, and soul.

Falling Away

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;" 2 Thessalonians 2:3

Today, every nation has a system of Corban where the people sacrifice on civic Altars. The modern public institutions serve many of the same purposes as the ancient Temples of Rome and other nations. Like Nimrod the modern Benefactors of the world provide for the people with many "bounties, donations, and benefits" [17]

"A public debt is a public curse.” — James Madison

The desire for benefits at the expense of your neighbor not only degenerates the masses it does curse children. To have access to those benefits of the welfare state you must become a child of the state. The Patronus of the world is the "fathers of the earth". Through your consent by application and Covetous Practices, the people have become Merchandise and their children are a surety for that debt.

The only salvation is to Repent which is a changing of the mind and be Baptized in the spirit of Christ who came to serve and sacrifice himself so that others might be saved.

We should gather in a Network of love serving as Christ did in love and tend to the Weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith which include caring for the needs of our neighbors and the widows and orphans of our society through Pure Religion in matters of health, education, and welfare. We are NOT to provide for the needy of society through the Covetous Practices and the men who call themselves benefactors but who exercise authority one over the other like the socialists do.

The Way of Christ was like neither the way of the world of Rome nor the governments of the gentiles who depend on those fathers of the earth through force, fear and fealty who deliver the people back in bondage again like they were in Egypt. Christ's ministers and true Christians do not depend upon systems of social welfare that force the contributions of the people like the corban of the Pharisees which made the word of God to none effect. Many people have been deceived to go the way of Balaam and the Nicolaitan and out of The Way of Christ and have become workers of iniquity.

The Christian conflict with Rome in the first century Church appointed by Christ was because they would not apply to the fathers of the earth for their free bread but instead relied upon a voluntary network providing a daily ministration to the needy of society through Faith, Hope, and Charity by way of freewill offerings of the people, for the people, and by the people through the perfect law of liberty in Free Assemblies according to the ancient pattern of Tuns or Tens as He commanded.

The modern Christians are in need of repentance.

"Follow me!" —Jesus the Christ.



The offerings at the temple at the time of John the Baptist were collected by the power of government set up by Herod and the Pharisees through their Gabbai and Mokhes tax collectors. Everyone who signed up had to pay in and the power to take contributions had been turned over by the people who signed up and registered with the temples of Herod or of Caesar. Very few people did not sign up. The Apostles were evidently unregistered with the systems of welfare of the "world" of Rome and the "world" of "Herod".

Those who got the Baptism of John and eventually the Apostles took care of those needs of the early Christians with freewill offerings called charity or love through a daily ministration of Pure Religion.

Registering for the Benefits of men who exercise authority was directly prohibited by Christ. The heads of those governments called themselves benefactors but forced the contributions like Herod and the Pharisees and their Corban.

They had turned the collection of freewill offerings over to the civil authorities, making the temple a civil religion.

The Pharisees challenged Jesus and Jesus challenged them "Why do ye also transgress the commandment"[19] and that challenge still applies to the modern Christian.

The challenge made in Mark 7:11 also in Matthew 15 concerning the corban given to the temples made the word of God to none effect.

That is very powerful to make the word of God to none effect and since it was a covetous practice it would result in making people merchandise and curse children. We should explore how their Corban and traditions[20] transgressed the commandments.

Jesus mentions the one we see in Exodus 20:12 where the word honor"[21] is from the Hebrew word meaning to give a value from a word to fatten. They were to take care of their parents so their own days would be long upon the land. In other words their children would see them do it and by those acts pass on the practice from generation to generation.

The English word tradition means what is a customary practice. Their term in the text is paradosis meaning "the act of giving up" and "the surrender of cities". In Greek it meant "delivery (of goods, parcels, etc" or from a military view "surrender".)[20] is also translated "ordinances".

This is little different than what the Modern Churches did when they turned over the daily ministration by charity they once maintained to an administration of welfare by the civil authorities of state under rulers like FDR and LBJ.

So, by that turning over to the civil authorities what had by God's commandment to the people and Christ's directive to His Church both the people abandoned the way of Christ and the righteous responsibility as it was from the beginning.

The institutions claiming to be the church abandoned the Corban of Christ and with the parents sinned and cursed their Children. In turn the sons thought they did not need to take care of their parents because they gave a gift/offering[22] at the temple. The same word gift is in John 9, Mark 7, and Matthew 15.

We can see how their ordinances transgress the commandments of God because they create the One Purse system of a city of blood that will make the people human resources, water Peter calls merchandise.

We also see the fear of the blind man's parents in John 9 when they might be kicked out of that social safety net system of the temple set up by the Pharisees. The free bread of Rome also came from the temples of Rome provided by men like Caesar or Herod and the Pharisees that forced the contributions by rulers of the people.

It would be those "commandments of men"[23] of caring for your parents and not coveting your neighbor's goods through men who exercised authority that transgressed the commandments and it would be those laws and ordinances[20] that would be done away with by nailing it to the cross.


Were Peter and John unlearned and ignorant or is Acts 4:13[24] talking about something else? The Greek word used in the verse is agrammatos[25] which is only used once.
The English word unlearned appears numerous times in the New Testament Bible.[24]

We also see the word unlearned in 1 Corinthians 14[24] but it is the Greek word we see three times is idiotes[26].

There are two more Greek words translated unlearned in the New Testament. There is the negative word apaideutos[27] which appears one time in 2 Timothy 2:23[24].

The other is another negative Greek word amathes[28] from the Greek word manthano[29] translated unlearned in the New Testament. There is the negative word apaideutoswhich appears one time in 2 Timothy 2:23[24]. amathes[28] only appears in 2 Peter 3:16.[24]

Are there really so many different words meaning specifically unlearned or can the context within the text and the Gospel of the kingdom tell us more?

Early Christians and the early Church worked in harmony according to the character of Christ, which is to say they came together in the name of Christ. They did this so that they were able to provide for one another in charity through a daily ministration and in the hard times that swept across the Roman Empire in what the testament calls "dearths".

They were all under the commandment to love one another from the time of Moses through Christ but they did not participate in the free bread or welfare offered by Rome nor as we see the Pharisees doing with their Corban which Jesus had condemned.

The Pharisees had chosen Caesar's ways to care for the needy of society and depended upon that government and its rulers who called themselves Benefactors but exercise authority one over the other. Christ had forbid such covetous practices and the apostles and their testaments were full of similar warnings and admonitions.

Even the Old Testaments had warned us about the dainties and benefits of rulers becoming a trap and a snare. David was quoted by Paul concerning the tables of those men being offered as welfare and Peter told us they would make us "merchandise"and eventually curse children.

The Christians were not involved in the public affairs of welfare of the Pharisees nor of the public religion of Rome. Early Christians were persecuted by Marcus Aurelius because they did not register the birth of their children. There were generations by that time that were never registered with Caesar to get the benefits of his world. Christians were involved in public affairs of Christ working daily in the temple which we explain in detail.

The temple in Jerusalem, the same as those temples of Rome, were the center of their social welfare systems. There has always been two types of welfare systems which lead the people in opposite directions.

Those first souls to repent and begin to seek the government of God got the Baptism of John and eventually the Baptism of Christ's apostles. These people would eventually be called Christians because they had opted out of a social welfare system that had snared the people under the authority of Herod's welfare state and the Corban of the Pharisees which was making the word of God to none effect.

But far more important because the repented and did what Christ commanded they had become a part of the network of Tens that reached across the Roman Empire and beyond.

Christians had another king, one Jesus, and were standing fast in the perfect law of liberty instituted by Christ through His apostles whom had appointed a kingdom to.

But that kingdom was not like the kingdoms of the gentiles who exercised authority one over the other. Christ made it clear that his kingdom was at hand and it was not a part of the world of Pontius Pilate.

The persecution of Christians by public magistrates was often based on their refusal to participate in the temples' welfare systems of Rome. They did not apply for the "legal charity" of the Imperial Cult of Rome but practiced Pure Religion by faith, hope, and charity as God has always intended.

If the people will repent and seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness which is the way of Christ they will turn from the way of Cain, Nimrod, Pharaohs and Caesars that brought the bondage of Egypt. To accept the idea that it is okay to force one another to contribute to your personal welfare is to accept the idea that it is okay to bite one another is an appetite for the gifts gratuities and grants which destroy liberty. The which we should avoid even if we must put a "knife" to your own throat. This idea of us all having one purse has always caused the people to run toward death. When the "masses continue with an appetite for benefits and the habit of receiving them by way of a rule of force]]" the tyrants will rise up and the people and the social bonds needed to restrain them will be weakened like in the days of Sodom.

Learn more about what it meant to be a Christian and the conflict between Christians and the people of the world by reading and listening to the links above or Join the Living Network.

Audio file answering the question "Are Christians Idiots" from Blog Talk Radio

Name | His name | Legal name | The Deceiver | Fraud | We the People |
Guru theories | False religion | Shamans | Atheist | Mind | Saul Syndrome |
Worship | Religion | Children of God | Peculiar people | Church |
Fiction of law | Come out | Birth registration | Rights |

See more Forbidden Definitions

Benefactors | Fathers | Conscripted fathers | Pater Patriae‎ | Patronus |
Rome vs US | Gods | Imperial Cult of Rome | Apotheos | Supreme being |
Corvee | Employ | Corban | Christian conflict | Merchandise | Bondage |
Citizen | Protection | Birth registration | Mark of the Beast | Undocumented |
Religion | Public religion | Pure Religion | False religion | Cult | Tesserae |
Covetous Practices | If I were the devil | Biting one another | Cry out

Newsletter | Dear Network | Network Notes | The Kingdom Newsletter |
Thought for the day | Events List | Free speech | Conversation

Benefactors | Fathers | Conscripted fathers | Pater Patriae‎ | Patronus |
Rome vs US | Gods | Imperial Cult of Rome | Apotheos | Supreme being |
Corvee | Employ | Corban | Christian conflict | Merchandise | Bondage |
Citizen | Protection | Birth registration | Mark of the Beast | Undocumented |
Religion | Public religion | Pure Religion | False religion | Cult | Tesserae |
Covetous Practices | If I were the devil | Biting one another | Cry out


  1. (§§ 125-127). Chapter 4. S 97. Diēs Lūstricus. The Private Life of the Romans, by Harold Whetstone Johnston, Revised by Mary Johnston Scott, Foresman and Company (1903, 1932).
  2. Imperial Ideology and Provincial Loyalty in the Roman Empire, By Clifford Ando, page 355
  3. praefectus governor, prefect, overseer while aerārium n (genitive aerāriī) treasury in general but specifically, "The place in the Temple of Saturn at Rome, where the public treasure was kept...." praefectus aerāriī was the national treasurer.
  4. Chapter 4. S 97. Diēs Lūstricus. The Private Life of the Romans, by Harold Whetstone Johnston, Revised by Mary Johnston Scott, Foresman and Company (1903, 1932).
  5. “the remodeling of an old obligation.” Webster's Dictionary
  6. tutor -ari, dep.: also tuto -are: to protect, watch, keep. guard against.
  7. Bringing closer to the originator or father, even a substitute father.
  8. (pathr) Strong's No. 3962 pater {pat-ayr'} 1) generator or male ancestor2) metaph.2a) the originator and transmitter of anything; the authors of a family or society of persons animated by the same spirit as himself; one who has infused his own spirit into others, who actuates and governs their minds 2b) one who stands in a father's place and looks after another in a paternal way ...Bible and Concordance. W.B. F..
  9. Strong's No. 2889 kosmos {kos'-mos} probably from the base of 2865; n m AV - world (186) - adorning (1) [187] 1) an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government.... , Woodside B. F. 1991.
  11. Qui in utero est, pro jam nato habetur questice de ejus commando quæritur.
  12. 1. To endow with the rights of citizenship, especially the right to vote.
  13. Public Law 97, 67th Congress, Session I, Chap. 135, 1921. The United States expanding birth registration area, in 1915 it comprised 10 States and the District of Columbia; in 1933 the entire continental United States. Economic Security Act page 366.
  14. Commonwealth of Massachusetts v. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury, et al.; Frothingham v. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury 262 U.S. 447, 67 L.Ed. 1078, 43 S. Ct. 597.
  15. See USC TITLE 15, Sec. 15h. Applicability of Parens Patriae actions: STATUTE- Sections 15c, 15d, 15e, 15f, and 15g of this title shall apply in any State, unless such State provides by law for its non-applicability in such State.
  16. 20 C.F.R., section 422.103
  17. “The real destroyers of the liberties of the people is he who spreads among them bounties, donations, and benefits.” Plutarch
  18. Matthew 20:25-26 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
    Mark 10:42-43 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:
    Luke 22:25-26 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.
  19. 1785 ~ἐντολή~ entole \@en-tol-ay’\@ from 1781; n f AV-commandment 69, precept 2; 71
    1) an order, command, charge, precept, injunction
    1a) that which is prescribed to one by reason of his office
    2) a commandment
    2a) a prescribed rule in accordance with which a thing is done
    2a1) a precept relating to lineage, of the Mosaic precept concerning the priesthood
    2a2) ethically used of the commandments in the Mosaic law or Jewish tradition
    For Synonyms see entry 5918
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 3862 ~παράδοσις~ paradosis \@par-ad’-os-is\@ from 3860 paradidomi the verb which is from the preposition to from 3844 para of and 1325 didomi to give; TDNT-2:172,166; {See TDNT 191} n f AV-tradition 12, ordinance 1; 13
    1) giving up, giving over
    1a) the act of giving up
    1b) the surrender of cities
    2) a giving over which is done by word of mouth or in writing, i.e. tradition by instruction, narrative, precept, etc.
    2a) objectively, that which is delivered, the substance of a teaching
    2b) of the body of precepts, esp. ritual, which in the opinion of the later Jews were orally delivered by Moses and orally transmitted in unbroken succession to subsequent generations, which precepts, both illustrating and expanding the written law, as they did were to be obeyed with equal reverence
    1. the act of giving up, the surrender: of cities, Polybius 9, 25, 5; Josephus, b. j. 1, 8, 6; χρημάτων, Aristotle, pol. 5, 7, 11, p. 1309{a}, 10.; 2. a giving over which is done by word of mouth or in writing..."
  21. 5091 ~τιμάω~ timao \@tim-ah’-o\@ from 5093 timios meaning something precious and valuable; TDNT-8:169,1181; {See TDNT 792} v AV-honour 19, value 2; 21
    1) to estimate, fix the value
    1a) for the value of something belonging to one’s self
    2) to honour, to have in honour, to revere, venerate
  22. 1435 δῶρον doron [do’-ron] a present; n n; TDNT-2:166,166; [{See TDNT 191 }] AV-gift 18, offering 1; 19
    1) a gift, present
    1a) gifts offered in expression of honour
    1a1) of sacrifices and other gifts offered to God
    1a2) of money cast into the treasury for the purposes of the temple and for the support of the poor
    2) the offering of a gift or of gifts
    For Synonyms see entry 5839 Doron is a Greek term that is often equivalent to the Hebrew term corban.
  23. 1781 ~ἐντέλλομαι~ entellomai \@en-tel’-lom-ahee\@ from 1722 and the base of 5056; v AV-command 10, give commandment 3, give charge 2, enjoin 1, charge 1; 17
    1) to order, command to be done, enjoin
    For Synonyms see entry 5844
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned<62> and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.
    1 Corinthians 14:16 Else when thou shalt bless with the spirit, how shall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned<2399> say Amen at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understandeth not what thou sayest?
    1 Corinthians 14:23 If therefore the whole church be come together into one place, and all speak with tongues, and there come in [those that are] unlearned<2399>, or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad?
    1 Corinthians 14:24 But if all prophesy, and there come in one that believeth not, or [one] unlearned<2399>, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all:
    2 Timothy 2:23 But foolish and unlearned<521> questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.
    2 Peter 3:16 As also in all [his] epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned<261> and unstable wrest, as [they do] also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.
  25. 62 ~ἀγράμματος~ agrammatos \@ag-ram-mat-os\@ from 1 (as negative particle) and 1121; ; adj AV-unlearned 1; 1
    1) illiterate, unlearned, without learning, unlettered {#Ac 4:13}
  26. 2399 ~ἰδιώτης~ idiotes \@id-ee-o’-tace\@ from 2398; TDNT-3:215,348; {See TDNT 322} n m AV-unlearned 3, ignorant 1, rude 1; 5
    1) a private person as opposed to a magistrate, ruler, king
    2) a common soldier, as opposed to a military officer
    3) a writer of prose as opposed to a poet
    4) in the NT, an unlearned, illiterate, man as opposed to the learned and educated: one who is unskilled in any art
  27. 521 ~ἀπαίδευτος~ apaideutos \@ap-ah’-ee-dyoo-tos\@ from 1 (as a negative particle) and a derivative of 3811; TDNT-5:596,753; {See TDNT 579} adj AV-unlearned 1; 1
    1) without instruction, and disciple, uneducated, ignorant, rude
  28. 28.0 28.1 261 ~ἀμαθής~ amathes \@am-ath-ace’\@ from 1 (as a negative particle) and 3129; ; adj AV-unlearned 1 (2 Peter 3:16 ) ; 1 1) unlearned, ignorant
  29. 3129 ~μανθάνω~ manthano \@man-than’-o\@ prolongation from a primary verb, another form of which, matheo, is used as an alternate in certain tenses; TDNT-4:390,552; {See TDNT 464} v AV-learn 24, understand 1; 25
    1) to learn, be appraised
    1a) to increase one’s knowledge, to be increased in knowledge
    1b) to hear, be informed
    1c) to learn by use and practice
    1c1) to be in the habit of, accustomed to
    see also 521 apaideutos, 62 agrammatos, and 2399 idiotes from 2398 idios, [3]

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