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Free Church Report '''[[FCRTOC|Table of Contents]]''' and [[The Kingdom Study Group|Free Church Report Call Schedule]] <Br>Recording #
Free Church Report '''[[FCRTOC|Table of Contents]]''' and [[The Kingdom Study Group|Free Church Report Call Schedule]] <Br>Recording #12  [ Play or download]
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| '''Comments'''  
| '''Comments'''  
| The [[Levites]] were called out as the [[Church in the wilderness]] and the disciples were ''[[called out]]'' to be the appointed ''[[ekklesia]]'' or [[early Church]]. Feed my sheep was a term of the trust.
| Understanding the true meaning of [[religion]] and [[Pure Religion]] will help us understand the purpose of Christ and why he took the [[kingdom of God]] from one group and appointed it to another.
| [[Modern Christians]] are under a [[Strong delusion]] because they accept a lie about their [[salvation]] and fail to provide a [[daily ministration]] by [[Freewill offerings]] and [[charity]] on [[stones|lively stones]] of living [[Altars]] like the [[early Church]].
| Peter's plan in [[Acts 6]] to [[appoint]] men in order to provide that [[daily ministration]] in all the Church included [[disciples]] choosing '''[[seven men]]''' of '''[[good report|"honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom"]]''' whom were to be trusted to wait on '''[[Tables|"tables" or "banks"]]''' that would help them provide a [[daily ministration]] for people not just in local congregations but far away like the Greeks.
| The  Statute of Mortmain and the Statute of Uses were created to prevent the abuse of trusts used to protect people from usurpation of the kings that were rising to power in the [[world]], but trusts can be useful to protect people and [[Family trusts|their families]]. -
| '''Questions'''
| Questions
| * What was the [[bondage]] of [[Egypt]] and why were we to never go back there again?
| * Why did the <u>[[Corban]]</u> of the [[Pharisees]] ''make the word of God to none effect''?
| *
| * What were the <u>[[altars]]</u> of <u>[[Clay and Stone|earth and stone]]</u>? * What are lively [[stones]]?
| *  
| * How do the <u>[[Modern Christians]]</u> differ from the <u>[[early Church]]</u> who followed <u>[[The Way]]</u> of  Christ?
| :
| '''Links'''
| *
| {{Template:Trust}}
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== Footnotes ==

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[[Category:Free church report study group]]

Latest revision as of 14:38, 3 December 2023

Free Church Report Table of Contents and Free Church Report Call Schedule
Recording #12 Play or download

The Levites were called out as the Church in the wilderness and the disciples were called out to be the appointed ekklesia or early Church. Feed my sheep was a term of the trust.
Understanding the true meaning of religion and Pure Religion will help us understand the purpose of Christ and why he took the kingdom of God from one group and appointed it to another.
Modern Christians are under a Strong delusion because they accept a lie about their salvation and fail to provide a daily ministration by Freewill offerings and charity on lively stones of living Altars like the early Church.
Peter's plan in Acts 6 to appoint men in order to provide that daily ministration in all the Church included disciples choosing seven men of "honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom" whom were to be trusted to wait on "tables" or "banks" that would help them provide a daily ministration for people not just in local congregations but far away like the Greeks.
The Statute of Mortmain and the Statute of Uses were created to prevent the abuse of trusts used to protect people from usurpation of the kings that were rising to power in the world, but trusts can be useful to protect people and their families. -
* What was the bondage of Egypt and why were we to never go back there again?
* Why did the Corban of the Pharisees make the word of God to none effect?
* What were the altars of earth and stone? * What are lively stones?
* How do the Modern Christians differ from the early Church who followed The Way of Christ?
Trust |

Sacred Purpose Trusts
Auxiliary | Ex officio |
Trusting in the Kingdom
Friends_of_His_Church |
COM | CORE | Elders
Family trusts | Creature
Trustees Delegates and Agents
Agency vs Trust |
Unincorporated association
Corporation Sole
LLC | Golem
Tithing | Why Congregate | Slothful |
Study | Kingdom Business | FEMA |

Trusting in the Kingdom

The Church was called out by Christ the King, to care for and feed the congregation of the people of His kingdom at hand, so that they had no need to apply to the benefactors of other governments. That “called out” body is the bondservant of Christ and therefore the servant of the people. The called out corpus of Christ or ekklesia, also called the Church, is one form of government where the people remain free. Their relationship is a unique social contract where the people may choose daily to congregate but remain in possession of their rights and responsibilities. This relationship is considered a form of sacred trust.

All governments are forms of trusts, but the Church differs because it does not ever compel offerings, nor does it guarantee entitlements. The Church is only sustained by free will offerings much the same as early Israel. What is given is laid upon the living altar of the Church in a sacred trust. The public servants of God’s kingdom are bound by Christ to care for the faithful. They are the incorporation of, by, and for Christ, who came to serve. The free individuals of the congregation are linked to the Church and the kingdom it serves by the free will offering of trust and faith and by that mutual witness.

The people have no binding social contract to contribute to the Church other than the covenant that may be written on their heart by God. The Church also remains free from any contracts or obligation to the congregation except what is written on the hearts of the individual ministers by God.

This is a truly free society whose life blood operates not upon an exercising authority, but upon a daily exercise of faith and trust, hope and prayer, charity and love. Societies based on virtue are hard to corrupt.

The individual congregations remain an unincorporated fellowship, with every man returned to his family and to his possessions. The Church remains restricted only by the commands of Christ and the scrutiny and choice of the people. Together, they are a free body politic formed not by force, but by virtue of mutual trust in God’s way to receive, preserve, and propagate Christ’s doctrines and ordinances.

The people recognize the ministers of the Church by free choice and contribution. The Church accepts the election of the people by free choice of assignment, as we see in Acts 6, chapter 6th.

And in those days,... because their widows were neglected in the daily ministration. Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, ... Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. And the saying pleased the whole multitude: and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghost, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a proselyte of Antioch: Whom they set before the apostles: and when they had prayed, they laid their hands on them. And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith...”

The process establishes a legal entity that may function in the world, but not of it. As a foreign creation of Christ, it may open the door to a free society under God, rather than the gods of the world.

Free Church Report Study Group schedule

The Free Church Report

The Free Church Report presents a unique path for the modern Church according to the nature of the first century Church by explaining the duty and purposes of that institution appointed by Christ. While Rome declined under runaway inflation, corrupt government, martial law, and endless threats of war, the Christians found an alternative to the men who “called themselves benefactors but exercised authority one over the other.”
The early Christian knew rights and responsibilities were indivisible. They sought the right to be ruled by God by taking back their responsibility, through the service of “called out” ministers who lived in the world, but were not of it. Their government benefits came through a divine network instituted in their hearts and minds by faith, hope, and charity under the perfect law of liberty as their Qorban of the unrighteous mammon failed the Roman society. Order

Free Church Report Table of Contents

HHC Books
are all online for free in numerous formats with audio support and hundreds of articles along with study series and audio explanations and podcasts. What has been freely shared with the author is freely shared with you and that is an essential element to the true keys of the kingdom. Covenants of the gods | Thy Kingdom Comes | The Free Church Report |
The Higher Liberty | Contracts, Covenants and Constitutions | List | ORDER

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To read more go to "His Holy Church" (HHC)

Brother Gregory in the wilderness.

About the author, Brother Gregory

PreparingU - YouTube
