Social virtues

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Social Virtues

Social Virtues have been listed with terms like Being Loved, Charisma, and Unpretentious, but likely these are merely products or fruits of virtues, rather than the virtues themselves. Others list honesty, friendliness, forgiveness, concern for others, patience, and kindness, which includes virtues like generosity, courtesy, politeness, and cleanliness.

Virtue, by definition, is the moral excellence of a person, and a morally excellent person has a character made-up of virtues valued as good. That would mean they are honest, respectful, courageous, forgiving, and kind, just as examples.<Ref>Virtue includes the desire to do what is morally right. Virtue begins with the good condition of the heart. Feigned friendliness or patience is not virtue. Virtue stems from sincere humility with God. Virtue attends real repentance.

Social Virtues may be so closely related to the moral virtues that they may not even be distinguishable from them. They are generally viewed as the virtues or traits of character that promote social harmony.

If virtue is the “character muscle” of the individual, Social Virtues can be described as the sinew of society.

Moral and therefore social issues are the product of right reasoning, not the rule making of an autocratic authority. Social virtue suggests the interaction of members of society, such as gratitude is the virtuous reaction to the virtue of generosity.

For virtue to be real, it must be the result of choice. We can see that Aristotle lists generosity as a virtue. Generosity is not merely the act of giving, but the choice to give. Without a choice made by a member of society to give, there is no place to direct or attach the gratitude of the individual who receives.

Hobbes defines gratitude as acting in such a way as the person to whom you are grateful would "have no reasonable cause to repent him of his good will."

The virtues of society are those events that bind the people together with each other. The word grateful expresses the bond of that feeling or showing an appreciation for kindness; thankful.

People may have mutual love for each other, but there is no mutual love between a system and an individual, because a system is merely a creation of man.

Socialism is a system. Systems produce results. According to their natural patterns, comprehensive systems will produce predictable results.

"No pain, no gain" is a rule about exercise of your body. Society is a body too. If virtue is the “character muscle” of the individual, Social Virtues can be described as the sinew of society.

There is no such thing as a free lunch unless it is provided by charity.

Socialism is not Charity. The systems of Socialism are Covetous Practices.

Covetousness is the antitheses of generosity. Giving someone else's stuff is not being generous. To take from others, to seem to be generous, is dishonest, and it is opposed to the virtue of honesty. It is also disrespecting the rights of others, which is the antitheses of respectful. You may want to think it is kind to grant benefits, but since you are doing it at someone else's expense, it is at best a nullified act of kindness which is not kind. Hiring the government to take from your neighbor for your benefit or for someone else's benefit is also not courage.

So there are no Social Virtues in Socialism. There are only Social Contracts.

No society or people may remain free without prizing, encouraging and even rewarding social virtues.

Socialism binds people together by contract, and often debt, where there is seldom the virtue of forgiveness, but merely more debt.

Virtue binds people together by honor and appreciation, where giving and forgiveness are not only goals but byproducts.

The heart of individuals and society must be exercised regularly.

People become selfish as the muscles of compassion or benevolent bands of society atrophy and decay. When the life of society - found in the blood of our personal sacrifice for one another out of love - diminishes, the society degenerates. A society bound together by charity rather than force is alive with love, while those who neglect or bite one another diminish the bonds of love until the people become Dry Bones.

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Welfare types | Bread and circuses | Daily bread | Socialism | Communitarian |
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Quantum | Mysteries of the Universe | Spiritual DNA and Gene Expression |
Biting one another | Zombies | The mire | Mind | Spiritual Economics |
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Merchandise | Employ | Bondage | Roots of the Welfare State |
Persecution | Christian conflict | Diocletianic Persecution |
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Education | Food Stamps | Community | Economy | Socialism | Capitalism |
Public religion | Covetous Practices | Benefactors | Fathers | Corban |
Mark of the Beast | Nature of the Beast | Christian conflict |
Temples | Not so Secure Socialism | Nicolaitan | Bite |
Nimrod | Corvee | Snare | Religion | Pure Religion | Exercises authority |
FEMA | Lady Godiva | Charitable Practices | Network |

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