Healing Information From Doctors Past and Present

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Doctor Carolyn Dean [1]

Doctor C.Herrings law of healing [2]

Doctor Christopher on herbal Healing [3]

Doctor Haley on Mercury and Vaccinations [4]

Doctor Lorraine Day [5]

Doctor Richard Ruhling: retired physician who taught at Loma Linda University; board-certified in Internal Medicine [6]

Doctor Richard Schultz: Herbalist [7]

various information on Borax for health and other health issues[8]

Health | Health Problems | Health Solutions |
Coronavirus | Shutdown | Face masks |
Immunity | Vaccines | Polio Vaccine and Cancer |
Aid Addicts | Politics of Health |
Health Share | Negotiating Health Care Costs |
Surviving Without Health Insurance | Exempt from Health Care |
Health Websites | Inflammation | Coronavirus | The science |
Breast | Cancer | Fungus | Lyme | Frequency of Disease |
Mind | Recovery | Bioacoustic | Drugged |
Are you crazy | Insomnia | Dendritic tree |
Recommended Health Sites |
Healing Information From Doctors Past and Present |

Exosomes | Vaccines | Polio Vaccine and Cancer | Side effects |
The science | Shutdown | Numerous scientists | Coronavirus |
Face masks | Vaccinated | Shedding | Waning of immunity |
Just say no vaccines | Refuse | Stimulus | The Way | Health_Share |
Malachi | Spiritual DNA and Gene Expression |
Politics of Health | Health | Education | Welfare |


There is no offer of any "effective treatment or cure." This information is based on personal experiences, what people have learned, as well as what is available on web sites. It is not meant or offered as medical advice or diagnosis and the information provided does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the owners of PreparingYOU.com or the site itself, but is offered for educational purposes only.