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== Footnotes ==
== Footnotes ==

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Revision as of 00:08, 11 April 2023

Good and evil

Did God create good and evil?

Or did he create the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

These two trees seem to suggest that God gave man the power of choice from the beginning.

Is that power of choice necessary so that man may choose to love both God and one another?

What is good and evil?

Good might be called the positive flow of energy manifesting in the universe if things like light, warmth, electricity, etc., and evil would be where these things do not exist or are absent.

Repeating the pattern with things like love and hate we may see similarities that help define both terms. Love and hate are not two different existing forces in the universe but hate is merely the absence of love, just as darkness is the absence of light. All vices and virtues are merely parallel manifestations of the same phenomena as light and dark, hot and cold, with virtue being a positive manifestation or utility and where vice is merely the absence of virtue.

Evil then is just the absence of good and exists as a negative in the universe of the atheist whether he or she likes it or not.

If death is the absence of life. When someone dies does their life go somewhere else just like light disappears from what now appears to be a dark room? Is the same true of the Yin and Yang, a Chinese philosophical concept that describes opposite but interconnected forces?

Chaos is not bad but is merely absent degrees of order. Chaos may be needed to make order a utility of life to give order some place to go.

Science believes that the energy that was called light still exists somewhere even though the dark room o longer is filled with light. The light still exists but now in another form.

To fully know God the Infinite it must be Right Reason that it is beyond the capacity of the finite to fathom or understand. We may seek Him, i.e. God, and the kingdom of God and even the righteousness of God but that would have to be an infinite journey.

To a philosopher God, The Infinite, even if it cannot ever be fully found, is something sought in that search for "Right Reason". To the student of Law it is found in the "Law of Nature", to the true or honest theologian he may say "Right Reason" is "Divine Will" which is sought in humility and the service humility and love produce through the sacrifice the individual a resulting form and practice. The practice of Pure Religion is void of the covetous practices of public religion which make men merchandise or human resources and curse children.

Unspotted by the covetous practices and the legal charity of the world does not make religion pure or righteous but it must include the fervent charity of the way of Christ.

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