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[[2 Peter 2]]:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog [is] turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.
[[2 Peter 2]]:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog [is] turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

The people of Israel were in a bondage of Egypt where generation after generation were born into such bondage because of the actions of their parents. The people were set free during hard times because they learned to come together and be diligent in serving the Lord by serving one another and even other Egyptians.
The people of Israel were in a form of [[Bondage|bondage]] in Egypt where generation after generation were born into the same system because of the actions of their parents. The same was prophesied in the New Testament in several places.
Peter made it clear that we would become what he called [[Merchandise]] and he said that would happen because we were [[covet]]ous.<Ref>2 Peter 2:3 "And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not."</Ref> He does not say that we would be in bondage because of [[Birth registration]] although if you are required or need to register the birth of your child with the state that maybe evidence you are already in bondage.
Peter does talk about them speaking ''great swelling words of vanity'' which really means some will appeal to our pride and vanity but it is our lust and [[wantonness]] that draws us into our error.<Ref>[[2 Peter 2]]:18 For when they speak great swelling [words] of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, [through much] wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.</Ref>
Peter is pointing out that it is us that is the real problem.
Peter does say that they will promise the people ''liberty''. <Ref>[[2 Peter 2]]:19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.</Ref> But that word ''liberty'' is from eleutheria <Ref> 1657 ~ἐλευθερία~ eleutheria \@el-yoo-ther-ee’-ah\@ from 1658; n f AV-liberty 11; 11
: 1) liberty to do or to omit things having no relationship to salvation
: 2) fancied liberty
::    2a) licence, the liberty to do as one pleases
: 3) true liberty is living as we should not as we please</Ref> which can mean the liberty to liberty to do something or to omit things. What they are freeing you from is the responsibility of loving one another.
Like any con they rely on your corruption and offer to serve that corruption already in you. The corruption is in the people. The governments of the [[world]] merely serve that corruption.
2 Peter 2:20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.
If we or our parents really believed in the real Christ we would have seen the truth.
The people were set free during hard times because they learned to come together and be diligent in serving the Lord by serving one another and even other Egyptians.

For the last thousand years there has been people claiming to be the Church that wanted us to believe that God instituted governments that were actually made by men which began with [[Cain]] and [[Nimrod]] and marched through Egypt and [[Rome]].
For the last thousand years there has been people claiming to be the Church that wanted us to believe that God instituted governments that were actually made by men which began with [[Cain]] and [[Nimrod]] and marched through Egypt and [[Rome]].

Revision as of 22:10, 27 February 2016

2 Peter 2:22 But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog [is] turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.

The people of Israel were in a form of bondage in Egypt where generation after generation were born into the same system because of the actions of their parents. The same was prophesied in the New Testament in several places.

Peter made it clear that we would become what he called Merchandise and he said that would happen because we were covetous.[1] He does not say that we would be in bondage because of Birth registration although if you are required or need to register the birth of your child with the state that maybe evidence you are already in bondage.

Peter does talk about them speaking great swelling words of vanity which really means some will appeal to our pride and vanity but it is our lust and wantonness that draws us into our error.[2]

Peter is pointing out that it is us that is the real problem.

Peter does say that they will promise the people liberty. [3] But that word liberty is from eleutheria [4] which can mean the liberty to liberty to do something or to omit things. What they are freeing you from is the responsibility of loving one another.

Like any con they rely on your corruption and offer to serve that corruption already in you. The corruption is in the people. The governments of the world merely serve that corruption.

2 Peter 2:20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

If we or our parents really believed in the real Christ we would have seen the truth.

The people were set free during hard times because they learned to come together and be diligent in serving the Lord by serving one another and even other Egyptians.

For the last thousand years there has been people claiming to be the Church that wanted us to believe that God instituted governments that were actually made by men which began with Cain and Nimrod and marched through Egypt and Rome.

The Diotrephes of 3 John 1:9 is believed to be the name of a man. But was it a man or a type of man? But Diotrephes is certainly not very common but it does have a meaning.

Diotrephes is a word that means "nourished by Jupiter" or "nourished of Jove".

What does it mean to be nourished of Jupiter?

Remember this was before private religion was outlawed and people still had a choice.

Was Diotrephes a name or a proper noun invented by John to describe a certain type of people like the word Nicolaitan?

We see that The doeth good is of God quote compared to the "he that doeth evil hath not seen God" quote to emphasize the deeds as a sign of true faith in God and "clearly implies that Diotrephes held to a Nicolaitan regeneration, allowing of a doing evil and yet being of God."[5]

Both Diotrephes and Nicolaitan refer to the people who thought it was okay to take benefits from the Temples of nations who used force to compel contribution. This idea had been rejected by all the prophets and John for these involved Covetous Practices. It would make the people's Pure Religion "spotted"[6] because those Temples were of the World and used force to obtain the contributions of the people through Public religion to provide benefits.

Knowing that at the Temple of Jupiter the Tribunes not only conducted their legislative assemblies, but the temple also housed important records, books and the social welfare funds, including the treasury of the city within the chambers and vaults of that temple, this should enhance our understanding of the Christian conflict.

For over a thousand years there have been churches that like Diotrephes and the Nicolaitans have been trying to convince the people that it is okay to use the governments of the world to provide gifts, gratuities and benefits. It is not! This is why Lady Godiva is on the cover of the Free Church Report. It is why John the Baptist told us not to use force but to share..Jesus talked about not being like the Benefactors of other governments. Paul and the apostles emphasized love and charity as wellas keeping the commandments.

Today people are in a worse state of bondage and enslaved in more complete system of servitude which is sealed in trillions of dollars of debt which is part of the most unrighteous Mammon in the history of mankind.

No one can honestly claim ignorance of the fact that all these government benefits provided to the people come by way of those who exercise authority one over the other.

There is no deception except by ourselves and in our own minds and hearts. Some feel the sting of the whip and the bite of their masters and are beginning to wake up. They Cry out!

It is easy enough for everyone to see where these benefits of the world come from for those who want to see and know the truth.

If people want to deny the truth they often claim that this modern bondage is not their fault but the result of some sort of fraud. There is no claimable fraud.

Everyone can see how public Education and hundreds of other state and federal services and benefits are provided through taxes imposed by men who exercise authority upon our neighbors.

These men of every party are elected because the people have already rejected God as explained in 1 Samuel 8.

Everyone can see how Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and a myriad of government benefits are supported through taxes imposed by those men who exercise authority and by these institutions created by the people which give power to men who call themselves Benefactors. These same men and institutions have been borrowing against the future of the next generation. That debt has Cursed our children and made us Merchandise.

We are in bondage for no other reason than our Covetous Practices and Slothful ways. That is what was foretold and that is what has happened.

It is no one else's fraud but our own.

It is not the result of any deception except self deception.

It is our fault and that is why we are called to repentance.

You do not have to agree with me, but these Network email groups are designed to help us repent by coming together and do what we failed to do.

They are designed so that you can form congregations of ten and learn what it means to love one another as much as yourself.

To do that we have to start forgiving one another that we may be forgiven.

We have to care for one another with nothing but hope that others will care for us.

If we would repent and seek the Kingdom of God so that no one has to turn to the benefactors who bring us into bondage then I might begin to think that we are really following Christ.

But if you want to blame things on the fraud and foolishness of others that is not what Christ came to tell us. It is not the Gospel and it is not repentance.

So why are you here if you choose not to assemble with us, be with us, striving with us to seek His kingdom and His righteousness according to the perfect law of liberty?

Choosing a "Minister of Record," does not cause your communications to be screened. It allows you to be a part of a living network of tens as it was in the beginning.

There are listed purposes for the Network groups.

If I invite people to come and help with the work and they come and do the opposite and even make more work it should be expected that they will be asked to leave.

If people want to do something other than what we are doing at His Church and on the Network they should go and do it rather than hang around and undermine our efforts with distractions and debates.

If people want to debate issues already settled on these groups they may join our yahoo groups.

Everyone should seek to form or join with a congregation of record, a CORE group.

When that group gets bigger than 15 or so families it should split and form two CORE groups.

They will still work together because their minister will be in a congregation of ten ministers. This is the pattern of Tens spoken of and seen through out history which free people used to be the government of the people for the people and by the people.

But they still need faith that God is judge - hope that His ways of love are the ways of righteousness. They still need to attend to the Weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith which include caring for the needs of our neighbors and the widows and orphans of our society through Pure Religion in matters of health, education, and welfare. We are NOT to provide for the needy of society through the Covetous Practices and the men who call themselves benefactors but who exercise authority one over the other like the socialists do.

The Way of Christ was like neither the way of the world of Rome nor the governments of the gentiles who depend on those fathers of the earth through force, fear and fealty who deliver the people back in bondage again like they were in Egypt. Christ's ministers and true Christians do not depend upon systems of social welfare that force the contributions of the people like the corban of the Pharisees which made the word of God to none effect. Many people have been deceived to go the way of Balaam and the Nicolaitan and out of The Way of Christ and have become workers of iniquity.

The Christian conflict with Rome in the first century Church appointed by Christ was because they would not apply to the fathers of the earth for their free bread but instead relied upon a voluntary network providing a daily ministration to the needy of society through Faith, Hope, and Charity by way of freewill offerings of the people, for the people, and by the people through the perfect law of liberty in Free Assemblies according to the ancient pattern of Tuns or Tens as He commanded.

The modern Christians are in need of repentance.

"Follow me!" —Jesus the Christ.


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  1. 2 Peter 2:3 "And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not."
  2. 2 Peter 2:18 For when they speak great swelling [words] of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, [through much] wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.
  3. 2 Peter 2:19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.
  4. 1657 ~ἐλευθερία~ eleutheria \@el-yoo-ther-ee’-ah\@ from 1658; n f AV-liberty 11; 11
    1) liberty to do or to omit things having no relationship to salvation
    2) fancied liberty
    2a) licence, the liberty to do as one pleases
    3) true liberty is living as we should not as we please
  5. Commentary on the New Testament, Volume 5, Daniel Denison Whedon, Hunt & Eaton, 1908.
  6. James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, [and] to keep himself unspotted from the world.
  7. Matthew 20:25-26 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;
    Mark 10:42-43 But Jesus called them to him, and saith unto them, Ye know that they which are accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and their great ones exercise authority upon them. But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister:
    Luke 22:25-26 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.

About the author


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Brother Gregory in the wilderness.

About the author, Brother Gregory

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