Visit with Patricia in Colorado

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During December 17-19, 2012 I had the blessed opportunity to visit with Patricia from Colorado. We talked about a multitude of subjects, all based around the Kingdom of God, but mostly surrounding the caring for our bodily vessels through natural, organic nutrition.

I discovered that Patricia has been an organic nutritionist for over 30 years and has a vast amount of knowledge that she is excited to share with others. I learned a great deal during my visit about the nutritional field and how true knowledge of the subject has been suppressed from the people or altered for various reasons.

I was so blessed by Patricia's quiet and gentle spirit of love and care for others, and her generous hospitality of opening her home to me during my visit. I know that anyone given the opportunity to meet Patricia will be likewise blessed.

For those individuals in the Living Network and CoR's, there will be an opportunity to serve Patricia in faith, hope and charity.

Here are a few pictures of my visit:

Patricia caring for her chickens