Dog and Cat Diets

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It has been said that, "One's life choices (which include one's diet) are not for their benefit alone, but effect, and, therefore, ought be made with the great-grandchildren in mind." (Or, words to that effect.)

(Note: while the following mostly only names dogs and cats, the "species-specific-diet principle" can be extrapolated and applied to whatever your pet species.)

Dog and Cat Diets YouTube Links

Q&A with Dr. Lodi: The Pottenger Study (MIND BLOWING) (2::06)

The Price-Pottenger Story (6::45)

Pottenger's Cats — A Study in Nutrition (on Future Generations) (14::46)

Why Whole Prey Can Be Beneficial To Your Raw Fed Pet (5::43)

Pets Eat Only MEAT And This Happens | Dr. Shawn Baker & Dr. Ian Billinghurst (59::22)