Withdraw consent

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Someone writing me about "We the People" did not refer to people living in the individual states because the people were not a part to the Constitution. People have lost access to most of their rights they way they have since the beginning of mankind. People of America have become US persons, collateral for debt in a bankrupt nation and members of a socialist democracy for almost a hundred years now. They are now feeling the sting of this foolishness and they want to imagine they are citizens in a republic. It does not work that way. They have been slothful in maintaining their rights by failing to maintain their responsibilities. I admire courage, I appreciate initiative, I respect sacrifice but there is a better strategy. It is almost as old as the method that entangles people in bondage. There is a way back but people have to change their ways. This way back has been used throughout history and we have several books on the subject which are all free online and shared in the network.

The economy of the world are almost in free fall. Corruption is pandemic. Communities are divided. People are floundering for a solution. We know what the solution is but there is mo point in just giving it to you. If you will not turn around and seek it then the truth will do you no good.

Someone else gave me a copy of the Corbett Report that talked about an article at Lew Rockwell about s consent. [should read "withdraw consent"]

I tried to look up the article and there are all kinds of them at the Rockwell site.

One Michael S. Rozeff may be the one. http://www.lewrockwell.com/2013/09/michael-s-rozeff/withdraw-your-consent-from-the-state/

Withdrawing consent is easy but surviving may be hard, very hard and then bad things might happen too.

Christ had the solution and only those willing to pick up their cross will find their way to liberty under God.

We have people all over the network who are looking for fellowship.

The fellowship we want to connect them with is the fellowship that comes with caring and helping one another in a righteous way. You have not joined the Living Network until you picked a viable contact point.

Ask on your local groups. http://www.preparingyou.com/wiki/All_PCMs