Talk:Home church

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Read Christian Fellowship

4 ways to provide for the welfare off society. But only two systems The none system ways is that people who have randomly help people in need or the people who are in need randomly take from people who have. The two systems are People collectively force people who have give through government what the government needs to help the needy Or The people systematically give charitably to the wisest and most charitable people of society who gather in an intimate network providing a practical daily ministration to the worthy poor. The latter is both peculiar and free.

We are losing sight of civility in government and politics. Debate and dialogue is taking a back seat to the politics of destruction and anger and control. Dogma has replaced thoughtful discussion between people of differing views. James McGreevey

A government can give you nothing but what it takes from somebody else. A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you’ve got, including your freedom.—  I was unable to identify the source as Ezra Taft Benson, although he might have ][A version of part of this is attributed to Gerald R. Ford. Reagan said the same thing basically and others

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. James Madison

The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next. Abraham Lincoln

Letters conflates form and substance in much of its critique of American church culture. Chan relates this story:
There is a simple exercise I walk through with church leaders. First, I have them list all the things that people expect from their church. They usually list obvious things like a really good service, strong age-specific ministries, a certain style/volume/length of singing, a well-communicated sermon, conveniences such as parking, a clean church building, coffee, childcare, etc. Then I have them list the commands God gave the church in Scripture. . . . .

Letters to the Church, Francis Chan,

Far too often we are more concerned with how well the sermon was communicated, whether the youth group is relevant enough, or how to make the music better. Honestly, what is it that gets people in your church stirred up for change? Is it disobedience toward commands from God? Or is it falling short of expectations that we have made up? The answer to these questions might just show us whether our church exists to please God or please people. (46–47, emphasis mine)

Many of the concerns Chan lists (sermons, music, programs) fall into the form category, about which the Bible says remarkably little. Surprisingly, it’s this lack of instruction that has helped Christianity to endure thousands of years and cross countless cultures. In fact, much of the book of Acts is about the church recognizing the cultural elasticity of their religious practices (think Acts 15:1–32).

"Can your church be unapologetically attractional in form and robustly biblical in substance?"

Letters to the Church FRANCIS CHAN David C. Cook (2018). 224 pp. $16.99.