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What happens when we die?
What is eternal life?
What is eternal death?

I know people want to know the answer to these questions.

We are supposed to preach the kingdom of heaven is at hand and that the kingdom is for the living and not the dead. We were supposed to have dominion on this planet in this world, not die and go somewhere else.

There are references to heaven.

The truth is the Bible and the prophets give us very little specifics in this area.

I have shows on the nature of creation and spirit but I cannot prove it and the Bible does not for a reason.

The kingdom of heaven is in the moment.

It is not a tree of knowledge thing but a spirit thing written on our hearts that makes us one with the character of God.

We are to seek it and righteousness...

It is sought from love of the truth and righteousness, not for a desire of reward or fear of punishment.

But I can share with you a few hours of shows on the subject of creation and the realms of heaven and earth.

Quantum Connection?

Quantum Connection? 2012-06-02

Straight talk on BlogTalk
Half hour on Head-Heart duality of creation?

Keys of the Kingdom
Liberty Radio Live - 2 hour Spirit and other things?
Self Help hallucinations?
Harmony and impure entanglements? Ideas and other idolatry?
An in-depth discussion and Q&A from callers and the chat room.

Sabbath Hour Making a quantum connections on Freedomizer Radio Opening the door, Be still and know

Strings of the Veil??

Living next to heaven and hell
Half hour on Freedomizer explaining the invisible

Strings of the veil
It's out there. Your spiritual song may vibrate "strings" that resonate with and even help form an alternative, parallel reality. What would you rather have, knowledge or understanding?
What is better, science or revelation?
Scientists and mathematicians are only just beginning to become aware of things that have been understood by men of God for millennia.
There are realities that are seen and not seen, except by those who humble themselves before God and understand that it is futile to try and know it all, other that what God shows them. Then acting on divine revelation they become like Christ and begin more and more to see another realm and reality that is all around - the very Kingdom of God. 121103-1-2-veilstrings.mp3 http://www.hisholychurch.net/kkvv/2ndbatch/121103-1-2-veilstrings.mp3

Mystery of the veil
What is the "veil" and how do we see what is on the other side of it?
We must humble ourselves before God and let him speak directly to us and reveal...
We must act in the name or character of Christ and take the light or revelation that is given to us to those places of darkness so that God will give us light more abundantly.
We will not be able to stop the law of God if we seek the right way of Christ.
It takes congregations gathering in his character for this opportunity to take place in a meaningful way and a network of doers and not just hearers in which Christ may dwell.
This way the kingdom within you may manifest and it will be on earth like it is in heaven. We need to get the physical to resonate with the spirit of God's way on this journey in a physical world. 121103-3-4veilmystery.mp3 http://www.hisholychurch.net/kkvv/2ndbatch/121103-3-4veilmystery.mp3

You can find these and many more audio files at Audio2012


Now seeing heaven from earth or looking for heaven from another point of view. In this realm there is a kingdom of heaven which is the kingdom of God, or the right to be ruled by God.

What does it look like and what does it not look like?

When we go under the bondage of men it is evidence that we are straying from the righteousness of God and heaven.

The Kingdom of Heaven
He preached it... We are to seek it...What is it?

Chapter 6. of the book The Covenants of the gods
Heaven vs Heaven

Audio http://keysofthekingdom.info/COG-06.mp3
Text http://www.hisholychurch.org/study/gods/cog6hvh.php

13. The Kingdom of Heaven of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

The State of the Nation of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

Seeking the kingdom, The Law of God of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

What does the Kingdom look like? of the book Thy Kingdom Comes

Assembling a congregation of the book Thy Kingdom Comes
Where to start seeking the kingdom of God