02256 חֶבֶל chebel [kheh’-bel] ChetBeitLamed or חבל chebel [khay’-bel] from 02254 to bind, take a pledge, spoil; n m; [BDB-286b, BDB-287a, BDB-287b] [{See TWOT on 592 @@ "592b" }] [{See TWOT on 595 @@ "595a" }] AV-sorrows 10, cord 16, line 7, coast 4, portion 4, region 3, lot 3, ropes 3, company 2, pangs 2, bands 1, country 1, destruction 1, pain 1, snare 1, tacklings 1; 60
- 1) a cord, rope, territory, band, company
- 1a) a rope, cord
- 1b) a measuring-cord or line
- 1c) a measured portion, lot, part, region
- 1d) a band or company
- 2) pain, sorrow, travail, pang
- 2a) pains of travail
- 2b) pains, pangs, sorrows
- 3) union
- 4) destruction