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Revision as of 23:02, 31 October 2016

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Moses and Jesus said that we had to love our neighbor as ourselves. That is key to the Kingdom. A selfish, self serving society which only cares about their own rights, privileges, or benefits will not be a free society.

An aspect of a free society is tending to what Jesus called the weightier matters of law, justice, mercy and faith. Those souls who do not covet their neighbor's goods, diligently love Jesus and the Father, keep His commandments, pray for His benefits, charitably love one another, seeking His righteous Kingdom at hand will receive His Holy Spirit. His laws and holy word will be written upon their hearts and minds and they will be his peculiar people.

It is the nature of God to give and forgive, share and sacrifice according to His ways. If we are reborn in His His image and spirit we will freely choose to form a network of free men and women within strong families and communities in the world but not of it.

We were warned from the beginning to make no covenants or agreements that might cause us to bow down and serve the evil purposes of men instead of the righteousness of God.

God desires that we be free souls under Him alone, owing no man anything but love. The servants of God are to provide an alternative so that we may serve God in spirit and in truth.

Jesus told us to Swear not at all, because anything “more than these cometh of evil.” James said “above all things... swear not... lest ye fall into condemnation.”

Without a network of charity, there is no hope. Without sacrifice there is no love. His Church has been established by Christ to set men free in His Spirit and Truth.


Publications Available:

The Covenant of the gods is a blend of Law, the Bible, and History offering an explanation of the contractual nature of governments which binds men to the service of the gods of the world through covetous application, consensual constructions, and slothful acquiescence.

Thy Kingdom Comes is a history of the Kingdom of God, it's peculiar nature and character, and how it can changed our lives today. A look at the sophistry and trickery that has hidden the truth that the Kingdom of God is at hand for those who will seek it and His righteousness.

The Free Church Report explains the nature, structure, and method of the early Free Church; how it worked in the past and can work in the present. Guidelines, polities, and accords for forming a free Church in accordance with the precepts of God and His Son, the Anointed King of His Kingdom.

The Higher Liberty exposes the simple truth of how God made you to be free men, serving Him in Spirit and in Truth while some men wish to bring you into bondage through damnable deception.

His Church offers detailed information, research, practical working models along with hundreds of articles, free booklets, audios, and video at our web sites:


Or write:

His Church, Via Box 10

Summer Lake, Oregon 97640-0010


“The Spirit of the Lord ... hath sent me ... to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised.” Luke 4:18

His Holy Church is dedicated to setting the captive free by preaching the whole gospel of the kingdom to the living who will seek the liberty and responsibility, the love and charity, the faith and forgiveness of the the righteous Kingdom of God at hand through the ways and redemption of Christ.

For a revealing look at what the early Church established by Jesus Christ make contact with the seekers of the Kingdom.

For free information, articles, books, recordings about the ways of Christ and His prophets, from Abraham to the early Church please contact us:

1 Church. Black’s Law Dictionary 3rd ed. Page 325.

2Archibald Macleish , The Librarian of Congress

3Cecil B. DeMille in “The Ten Commandments.”

4The Declaration of Independence

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