The Kevin McCauley Page

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it is not that easy trying to put ideas and thoughts into written words.
My story Ain't no different than the next guy.
Just another Joe Baguhmushrooms, who got sick of being dead.

Started seeking God and seeing what, if anything he wanted. From what I understand,

It is not good for God to be alone so He created an Other.
We are part of that Other.

God is Love, We are His fruit of love. We are the springing forth of His invisible life into the material world.

Like the fruit of a tree is the over abundance of life with no where to go but out.

We are His workmanship.

We are His Glory.
His expression.

So When I look at you I am looking at Him. We are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh.

We are His beloved.

He is the Energy that fuels the Universe. Men everywhere are looking for Him. In the deepest depth of the sea, to the mountain tops, in the micro scope, even as far as subatomic particles.

They look for a "GOD PARTICLE".

They even try to Name him, Higgs Boson is the one they have at the present time but that could change.

He is not a particle or a thing to be harnessed and used for our benefit.
He Is Love.
It seems He tarries and waits.
Love is not a force that take us over and gains pleasure by using an other for its purpose.
He waits and knows His will is No one perish.

He knows every one will bow in their time.

And the last shall be first also.

We don't have to Con-Vince anyone we just Love.

Some stuff I like

A story  of a crash

The Hound of Heaven <<---- I love this Poem, Don't let the Catholic thing scare you

 Beauty in a  wave.   

The kingdom is simple, but it is not revealed by flesh and blood [books, study, research, reading, etc.] it is revealed by His spirit, nature and character through direct experience, direct action of doing and walking it out in a personal journey of repentant, faithful, consistent, doing, loving, giving and forgiving according to His Way, will and Law.