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I noticed that Fizz on Facebook wrote "Gregory, you are presenting yourself in the image of "the good Shepherd"-(the image of priests). Shepherds/ Sheep Herders operate with no intention of setting the sheep they have domesticated/enslaved free."

Actually if Fizz goes to the website he will see that I am a shepherd and if he would also note that I am less than a quarter century old he should understand the sheep were domesticated when I got here.

If you were to come to where the sheep roam you would see lots of desert and meadows.

The meadows are irrigate with water that naturally comes out of the ground. I dress the fields by distributing the water evenly so there is a lot of grasses, clover and vegetation for the sheep and other wildlife. I plant trees for shade, fruit and nuts and so that the leaves feed the microbes and fauna of the soil.

The truth is I set my sheep free every morning. They come up and go into a pen every night because they know the fields belong to the Bobcats and Coyote at night and they are concerned about their lambs. I shut the gate so that no one is tempted to eat the sheep.

In the morning I let them out into the fields. There are some fences around the field but the gate to that land is almost always open and the fences do not go all the way around. They can leave anytime and have occasionally done so but are always happy to come back to the field.

There was a sheep that kept leaving the flock. The third time it did I did not go after it to show it the way back. It never was seen again.

That sheep was determined to leave the flock. It was not just lost. I have found lost sheep before that could not find the rest of the flock much less a safe place to spend the night. I did not force them to go back to the heard but I did guide them back because I knew where the sheep wanted to be and needed to be in order to survive.

The sheep will only survive for a short time without my attention and care. Until they evolve into something else they will need my aid and I am willing to give it. It is a thing of nature called a symbiotic relationship.

The sheep depend on me being their to protect and guide them. If you lived night and day with sheep on the open range you would began to understand the roll of a shepherd. What you see in most churches is not what I do. If you read the books which are all free online you would begin to see the real message of the Bible and it is quite different from what most religionists imagine and the truth of it will set you free if you change directions.

We also have a few cows that could get out of the fields if the wished. We are surrounded by open range land in the high-deserts of Oregon. We care for the cows in a similar way that we care for the sheep. We even brand the cows but that is not to enslave them but to protect them from two legged predators that would steal them.

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