Dangerous Radiation

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MI5 agent Dr. Barrie Trower: dangerous radiation everywhere

Former MI5 agent Barrie Trower http://youtu.be/vxrBLO1rAMM ~60+ min

Former MI5 agent Barrie Trower is a physicist who worked for British intelligence.

The technology does and has existed to control minds, produce cancers and even heart attacks.

Barrie Trower claims that scientists in England have used frequencies and injections to control and manipulate and even killed people by the thousands in the conducting of experiments.

Seeing him make these claims that these scientists can produce aggression, fear, doubt, even speak into the mind???

This is done by both the English MK Ultra and CIA agencies.

How you do it to almost everyone through confinement in 30 days.

But some cannot be influenced.


Is it destructive interference?

Scalar waves and neutrinos traveling faster than the speed of light are mentioned?

The ability of neutrinos can pass through matter??

Faraday cage cannot seem to block waives because some are not electromagnetic but scalar.

16 subatomic particles??

The effect on bees and ants and their loss of crops which creates a need for commercial products.