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blacked out and bloody in a ditch.
blacked out and bloody in a ditch.
He reached in and rescued me from my own wreck.
He reached in and rescued me from my own wreck.

Latest revision as of 13:38, 17 December 2023

On my way to work one day I passed by a car in the ditch.

At first, In my normal self absorbed mode I was just passing by but some thing inside me led me to stop and see what was happening.

There was a very distraught man standing there with a phone .
As I approached, he asked where were we?
I told him where we were and he relayed the location to the 911 operator on his phone.

He pointed me to the wrecked car with a young girl blacked out in the driver seat. Now this car had hit a pole and hard.

The roof was flattened right down and the girl was pinned in the seat.

I thought... oh wow this car was flying and airborne when it hit the pole. The girl was out cold and plenty of blood around. I reached in through the broken window and the man on the phone freaked out along with another man who had stopped to see.

They told me don't touch her... there is blood! there may be blood borne pathogens.( good thing I don't know what they are)
HUH I wondered????
They said wait for the "authorities" you can be sued for touching her. I wondered to my self these men must not have daughters.

I would be greatful for a man to help my daughter.

Well this young lady now was waking up.

She cried get me out of here. The men became forceful and tried to keep her from escaping the vehicle. Then this calm came over me. A calm I recognize.

As I made contact with the girl there was a connection.
She looked to me for help.
I reached in and unbuckled her seat belt and there was such calm in this state of confusion around us.
I saw that there was no way the driver side door would ever open, it was crushed.
Then as I was helping her to get over to the passenger side, the driver door opened.
Yeah man it clicked and opened all by it self.
One thing I know about is cars and I knew this door was never gonna open without pry-bars and a saw-zall.
But open it did.
I got the girl out and was able to get her calm.
She called her dad on her phone.

I talked to him and he said he was on his way. The thing that really amazed me was the connection that happened with this girl. I was inspired by her waking up. She was feisty and did not want to lay there waiting for help. She wanted out and there was no stopping her.

I saw this girl all alone crying, desperate to understand what just happened.
This stranger hugged me and held on like I never felt.

The other guys were looking at me ,with great confusion saying I should not be touching her. Wow man How sad that we should not touch each other.

How we have become merchandise in Pharoahs house unable to touch each other without His permission.

We were able to spend a few moments together, I wiped the blood from her even got some on me.

I actually gave comfort to this girl she even managed a smile.
Now I hear the sirens.

fire trucks, cop cars, noise and confusion. Then comes the official. This lady cop with a commanding presence comes near putting on her latex gloves like a Television surgeon. The 2 other men were quick to say they did nothing and that I did all the touching and getting her out of the car.

The lady cop looks at me with disdain and tells me to not do these kind of things.

She was emphatic about her training and competence as she pulled the girl from my arm. The girl and I looked at each other and were both sad as we know our time is done now.

The cop is yelling now in her face asking stupid questions attempting to establish control.

I watched as the calm situation spiraled out of control.
The cop lady did a great job a scaring the young girl and causing great commotion.

As I was walking away one of the cops begins to question me. Why did I do this? Why did I say to the girl take car honey and God bless you he is not done with you, He is not the one trying to kill you. He thought me calling the girl Honey was odd. I told the cop honey is a term of endearment and since I d did not know her name I treated her like my own daughter. Then, told him that The spirit of the living God came upon me to help this girl and this same God opened the car door for us. I could tell the cop did not believe such nonsense and he flipped open his little note pad to gather information.

I gave him none, Told him my work is done here you guys can take it from here.
Strange thing was the cop let me go.
They do not usually let go that easy.

Last time I questioned a cop I got the tazer and jail .

What I am thankful for was I did not get in trouble.
I got to serve another man I do not know by helping his daughter.

What I hope for is those that were present saw some thing more than a strange man do strange things. And as they wonder, one day they will realize they saw God in a Man, doing work.

I also see how much work there is to do.

How far we have come to the point where men are not allowed to do but all work is left to experts and authorities. Do not think for yourself, do not touch anything unless you have a license.

As I come upon folks who may be coming out of the black out I must not lay things on them but help them to  become fully awake.

Don't burden them down with a load of things they don't need to be told how bad they are or how stupid they are for getting into a wreck. But offer a hand pull them from there wreck, get them back to a healthy state and then set them free to return to there own estate.

I offer this story not cuz I think anything of myself, but as encouragement, that if we step out, We can do things that can not be done.

Be strong ,take courage, Our God is not done with us.

I saw my own life in this young girl.

blacked out and bloody in a ditch. He reached in and rescued me from my own wreck.